Last night, I dropped by the EP launch of the group Idela at Autonomy Bar in Mandaluyong City and tested my new HP S300. A point-and-shoot camera with some bridge camera functions. With a lot of scene functions, it promised tons of fun for casual photo hobbyist, but still doesn't fill the need for an amateur.
I tried to do some live gig photography with my camera. Its good to see that the photographers there are following the unwritten ethical code of conduct when covering an event, which is not obstructing the audience's view of the performers.
Autonomy is filled to the brim |
Idela's members from the back, as seen through HP S300's 27mm wide angle setting as you set the zoom function full back. |
A powerful opener by the rock band 'Talata'. |
Using HP S300's "Lomo" scene setting with the wide angle zoom on 'Talata' on their last song. |
HP doesn't do well in dark light settings, as the ISO and shutter speed is still determined by the camera's CPU, which defeats the bridge camera-like properties.
(all photos are stylized using Adobe Pixlr)