Monday, October 28, 2013

Otaku Urule's IOP10:Zombie Apocalypse "The Zombies of Silent Hill"

Last Oct.26, Otaku Urule put a twist into the Invitational Open Photoshoot by introducing the COSRUN game, a live action RPG game where cosplayers a re pitted against each other in a "zombie apocalypse" scenario with mission objectives, gameplay rules and a kick-ass venue where the cosplayers can act out the game in relative safety. The PUP Campus Grounds in Sta.Mesa also provided the appropriate setting, venue and mood on the event.

I also got to meet a lot of cool cosplayers, techs in training, and war games enthusiasts that really made this event an instant favorite.

Thank you Otaku Urule, for coming up with these awesome cosplay and photographer enthusiast oriented events. Looking forward to the next IOP.


"Nurse" and "Bubble Head Nurse" from Silent Hill Origins
Keitaro Tan and Shai Ramos)

"Nurse" and "Bubble Head Nurse" from Silent Hill Origins
(Keitaro Tan and Shai Ramos)

"Nurse" and "Bubble Head Nurse" from Silent Hill Origins
(Keitaro Tan and Shai Ramos)

"Nurse" from Silent Hill Origins
Mark Bryan Villar)

"Bubble Head Nurse" from Silent Hill Origins
(Shai Ramos)

"Butcher" from Silent Hill Origins
(Ruther Jovero)

"Butcher" from Silent Hill Origins
(Ruther Jovero)

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