Saturday, January 8, 2011

this is gaijinph, signing on

I have had a love of photography since childhood. I always marvel on how a simple photograph can capture the thoughts, ideas or emotions of the moment. And the thought of that image to live on as a legacy astounds me.

Then I grew up to adulthood, giving up my fleeting interests while I get my life on track. Its only recently that I try to catch up to my interests from childhood. I always have images playing in my head when I go outside...thinking of ways to capture the moment and make it last longer as a memory for others to see. Being a visually actuated person, I prefer the image to convey thoughts when words are not enough, and are prone to misunderstandings.

I start this blog as an amateur photo enthusiast. The various things I start to learn from others and the results they bring excites me. The lessons learned from various photo projects and trials sheds new light to other possibilities. I want to catalogue as much as possible so that others who are just starting in this field, like me, may learn, even by a little bit, from my projects and experiments.

Think of it as a starter's lament...

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